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The First Valentine's Day After Divorce


Valentine’s Day isn’t easy for the newly-divorced. If you recently went through a divorce, all of the red hearts, roses and chocolates can go from sweet to sickening pretty quickly.

Your first Valentine’s Day after divorce can help you move forward rather than dwelling on negativity. Search for positive ways to get through the day and you just might find them. A few ideas might include:

  • Have any single friends? They probably want to avoid eating at restaurants where couples are out together too, so invite them over to your place! Host a potluck dinner or take it easy with pizza. Watch a few favorite movies, too.
  • Even if you’re single you can still show love on Valentine’s Day. Send flowers to a single friend or chocolates to one of your favorite relatives. Spend the day with people you love and tell them “thank you” for supporting you through your divorce.
  • If you have children, keep the focus on them by helping them create special art project. Valentine’s wreaths, painting, play-doh—watching them play will take your mind off any negativity.
  • One way you can always take your mind off your own troubles is to help others. Search the internet for places you can volunteer your time, whether it’s a food pantry or volunteering at your child’s school. Giving back is another way to experience love on Valentine’s Day.
  • One thing not to do: don’t call, text or Facebook your ex. If you get tempted to contact your ex, call a friend or family member instead. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

And if the day does get the better of you, don’t beat yourself up! You’re still grieving your divorce and it’s going to take time to get over it. Remember that next year Valentine’s Day will be much easier to get through.

Divorce Help in Albuquerque, New Mexico

If you need help with your divorce in Albuquerque, NM, contact the divorce lawyers at Sandia Family Law for advice. We’ll help ensure your rights are protected as you move forward to a better future after divorce. Contact us at 505-247-1726.
